Training Schools
Dissemination is a key component of the Action, given its R&D dimension, together with the development of basic technology and the training of researchers. INTERACT addresses this matter by carrying out a number of initiatives, open to the community at large, namely, Training Schools and Training Days, which are as follows:
Training Day:
- a training event with a duration of half or full day, to be held the day prior to a Management Committee Meeting or a Technical Meeting;
- organised by INTERACT;
- with lecturers from INTERACT;
- there is no financial support to these events (neither to trainers nor to trainees);
- the application and organisation of these event should follow the Guidelines;
- the programme should follow the Programme Template and speakers should provide information according to the Speaker Template.
Training School:
- a training event with a duration of 3 to 5 days, to be held autonomously;
- organised by INTERACT or jointly with other Actions, projects or scientific entities;
- with lecturers not only from INTERACT but also from other entities external to the Action;
- there is usually financial support to these events, to both trainers and trainees (rules are given below);
- the application and organisation of these event should follow the Guidelines
- the programme should follow the Programme Template and speakers should provide information according to the Speaker Template.
CA20120-INTERACT offers a limited financial support to Trainees (eligible INTERACT’s members, as defined in the Annotated Rules for COST Actions, i.e., only from Members or from Near Neighbour Countries) to attend Training Schools. The selection will be based on applications and on the following priorities:
1. P.h.D. students (one grant per Country),
2. while grants available, Young Researchers (one grant per Country),
3. while grants available, other applicants.
In any of the above steps, ICT countries and gender balance will be taken for resolving equality.
Applicants should use the Trainee Application Form. Details (e.g., deadlines) will be provided for each School
Trainees will be granted an amount based on a daily allowance, which is defined according to the host country and the School duration. Prior to the Training School, each Trainee granted financial support must register at e-COST,, namely by creating a profile that includes the details of a bank account for payment.
For each Training School, specific information will be provided.
CA20120-INTERACT offers a limited financial support to Trainers to lecture at Training Schools.
The following items can be reimbursed: travel, accommodation and meal expenses, in line with the eligibility rules specified in Annotated Rules for COST Actions; no lecture fees or honoraria will be paid. Each Trainer granted financial support must register at e-COST,, namely by creating a profile that includes the details of a bank account for payment.
- 5th Training Day: Ray Tracing for 6G – Fundamental Principals and Advanced Techniques
- 3rd Training Day: State of the art radio channel sounding and data analysis
- 4th Training School: Short-Range Radio Propagation: Theory, Models and Applications
- 3rd Training School: DolCom 2023 – Summer School & Workshop on Radio Communications in the Dolomites
- 2nd Training Day: Recent Advances in Data Engineering for Networking
- 1st Training Day: How to Prepare an Excellent Presentation (or at Least an Acceptable One)?
- 2nd Training School: Open-RAN networks: from theory to implementation
- 1st Training School / ESoA course: Mobile Radio Propagation for 5G and Beyond