Meetings & Events

Face-to-face meetings are a very important and powerful way to share knowledge and experience among researchers coming from separate countries and with different backgrounds (e.g. academia and industry).


9th MC and 9th Technical Meeting

Location: Linz, Austria
Date: 16-19 September 2024


8th MC and 8th Technical Meeting

Location: Helsinki, Finland
Date: 17-20 June 2024


7th MC and 7th Technical Meeting

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Date: 22-25 January 2024

6th MC and 6th Technical Meeting

Location: Poznan, Poland
Date: 11-14 September 2023

5th MC and 5th Technical Meeting

Location: Barcelona, Spain
Date: 22-25 May 2023

4th MC and 4th Technical Meeting

Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Date: 23-26 January 2023

3rd MC and 3rd Technical Meeting

Location: Valencia, Spain
Date: 19-22 September 2022

2nd Technical Meeting

Location: Lyon, France
Date: 13-15 June 2022

2nd MC and 1st Technical Meeting

Location: Bologna, Italy
Date: 8-11 February 2022