2nd Training School
COST CA20120 - INTERACT Training School:
Open-RAN networks: from theory to implementation
5th-7th July 2022
Poznań, Poland
Open RAN is a recent trend in the telecommunications market (especially in the 5G area), aiming at the realization of the following key objectives:
- splitting of a base station into several functional components, including central unit (CU), distributed unit (DU), and a remote unit (RU);
- opening interfaces to enable interoperability (especially Open Fronthaul);
- disaggregating software from hardware in the RAN domain;
- introducing advanced automation into the RAN system by means of an abstracted entity to manage the radio networks, i.e., RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC), which serves as a platform for xApps (optimization applications in the RAN domain) and rApps (optimization applications in the management plane) using AI/ML.
The participants of the school will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and experience in various domains of Open RAN. These include the discourse on the evolution of the cellular network architecture from regular to virtualized and open one and the discussion on Open-RAN architecture (modules, interfaces, with particular attention put on intelligent controllers). Next, the ongoing world initiatives (such as O-RAN Alliance, ONF/SD-RAN, TIP/RIA) will be overviewed. Moreover, opportunities and challenges of the Open RAN approach will be presented together with the analysis of the ongoing trials and implementations. The school will be interactive, allowing the participants to join the hands-on part devoted to the demo xApp implementation.
Poznan University of Technology and Rimedolabs, Poland.
The Training School is scheduled in Poznan, Poland. In the city of two castles and first Enigma decipher.

Precise address: Poznan University of Technology, 3 Polanka Str., Poznań (52.40059 N, 16.95571 E)
Grants, in the form of a Daily Allowance (150 € per day), are available. Applicants should send their application (see the form in this page) to Krzysztof.cichon@put.poznan.pl and flaminia.saratti@unibo.it until 3rd June 2022.
To submit your application, please send an email with the subject “CA20120 – 2nd Training School Application” attaching one full document in PDF format. Please rename the file with this criteria:
– Ordinary number of the Training School
– TS
– Surname
– Name
Please find here an example: 2ndTS_Surname_Name
The total number of
applications was 29 and 7 grants were awarded to Ph.D. students from Austria,
Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Serbia and Spain.
Detailed information
Detailed information can be found at this website, as well as in this file.
Registration guidelines can be found in here.
The registration form is available here.
Prof. Adrian Kliks, adrian.kliks@put.poznan.pl