3rd Training School
COST CA20120 - INTERACT Training School:
DolCom 2023 - Summer School & Workshop on Radio Communications in the Dolomites
26-29 June 2023
Campitello di Fassa, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
The School & Workshop features a program of lectures delivered by leading experts in the area of 6G radio and networks, from both academia and industry. The objective of the School & Workshop is to give Ph.D. students and researchers an opportunity to catch up on the “hottest topics” related to radio communications, but including networking as well, related to 6G. Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in stimulating discussions with lecturers, obtain useful feedback, and initiate new collaborations. Lectures will provide the background on 6G wireless communications radio and networks concepts, ranging from the more fundamental ones related to concepts and mathematical modelling to experimental and applied ones connected to incoming standardisation features.
Targeted Audience
The School & Workshop is aimed at Ph.D. students, targeting COST institutions participating in Action CA20120 (INTERACT), but open to other institutions as well. Moreover, participation is also open to other researchers and students, who actively work on or are interested in future mobile networks.
The School & Workshop will take place from Monday, June 26th, to Thursday, June 29th, 2023.
The list of speakers is as follows:
- Alessandro Bazzi (WiLab/U. Bologna, IT)
- Bruno Clerckx (ICL, UK)
- Marco Chiani (WiLab/U. Bologna, IT)
- Marco Di Renzo (CentraleSupelec, FR)
- Moe Win (MIT, US)
- Luis M. Correia (IST/U. Lisbon, PT)
- Riccardo Trivisonno (Huawei, DE)
- Roberto Verdone and Marco Skocaj (WiLab/U. Bologna, IT)
In addition, there will be panels and a Ph.D. contest moderated by:
- Luis M. Correia (IST/U. Lisbon, PT)
- Roberto Verdone (WiLab/U. Bologna, IT)
General Programme
The programme is composed of the following lectures and lecturers (a detailed description is provided at the end of this document):
- “Our Cars are Eager to Collaborate: State of the Art and Future Developments of V2X”: Alessandro Bazzi (WiLab/U. Bologna, IT)
- “Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces”: Bruno Clerckx (ICL, UK)
- “Basic Ideas in Quantum Communication and Computing”: Marco Chiani (WiLab/U. Bologna, IT)
- “Intelligent Surfaces for Wireless Communications: Living at the Interface of Electromagnetic and Communication Theories”: Marco Di Renzo (CentraleSupelec, FR)
- “Localisation-of-Things: from Foundation to Operation in B5G/6G Ecosystem”: Moe Win (MIT, US)
- Body Area Networks: from Applications to Radio Channel Models: Luis M. Correia (IST / INESC-ID, Univ. Lisbon, Portugal)
- “5G and 5G Advanced Network Architecture”: Riccardo Trivisonno (Huawei, DE)
- “Towards Data-Driven Zero Touch 5G Networks: Trends and Challenges”: Roberto Verdone and Marco Skocaj (CNIT-WiLab/U. Bologna, IT)
The programme also includes 2 panels
- “Dialogue with the Speakers”: panels moderated by Luis M. Correia (IST/U. Lisbon, PT) and Roberto Verdone (WiLab/U. Bologna, IT), where, in a very informal environment, technical themes will be discussed with the speakers, aiming at getting views and visions in research around 6G
a contest
- “Ph.D. Contest”: Ph.D. students should prepare a pitch to be given before a committee (composed of speakers and panel moderators), the winners being the most innovative themes
and outdoor networking activities
- “Walk in the Dolomites”: hiking on trails around the venue, in groups composed of Ph.D. students and speakers, aiming at reinforcing the networking among participants and lecturers, and getting in touch with Nature.
The Ph.D. students wanting to get credits (ECTS) from this School / Workshop will have to deliver a report (guidelines will be circulated) with the state of the art in one of the addressed topics by 29th July 2023. Reports will be evaluated and graded.
The number of credits will be 2 ECTS, for those that are evaluated successfully.
General Schedule
The overall schedule is given below:

Supporting Texts
Attendees will get an electronic version of all presentations, during the School & Workshop.
The School & Workshop will be entirely held in English.
The School & Workshop will take place at Hotel Rubino, Campitello di Fassa, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy.
Hotel Rubino, is located in the heart of the Dolomites, which have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. It offers a comfortable and luxurious setting with its elegant atmosphere and cherry tree panelling. This 4-star deluxe hotel is equipped with a swimming pool, and is situated in a peaceful and sunny position, next to the woods near to the town centre and to the Col Rodella cable car. You can explore its location on Google Maps.
Italy is a member of the Schengen Area. Attendees requiring a visa should contact the School & Workshop organisers (dolcom@wilab.org) as soon as possible, for obtaining an Invitation Letter, indicating the following information:
- Full name:
- Gender:
- Title:
- Birthday:
- Nationality:
- Passport No.:
- Date of expiry:
- Affiliation:
How to arrive:
By car: Leave the A22 Highway (connecting Italy to Austria at the Brennero border) at exit “Egna-Ora” and drive in the direction of Cavalese (first), Moena (later), and Canazei (finally). From the highway, it is approximately 1 hour of driving over a very good and large road.
By train: coming from the South, you can arrive at Trento station (Trentino’s capital) or at Ora (no IC, EC, and Eurostar trains); coming from the North, you must get off in Bolzano.
Here’s the link to Trenitalia to buy the train tickets and check the schedules.
Bus: An efficient public bus service connects the Valleys with the main train station.
Trentino trasporti Lines: info and timetable from Trento.
SAD Lines: info and timetable from Ora.
By plane: the nearest airports are Bolzano (42 km), Verona (160 km), Innsbruck (164 km), and Venezia (220 km). From these airports, the Fassa Valley is easy to get off the motorways (in each airport you’ll find car rental services) or use rail transport and public buses.
Besides Hotel Rubino, there’s quite a wide choice of hotels within walking distance, ranging from 3 to 4 stars, besides other types of accommodation, which you can explore here.
However, participants are warmly and strongly invited to stay at Hotel Rubino, because this will make networking much easier, with activities planned until after dinner, and no other hotels will offer a rate lower than the one negotiated for this event nearby, even of lower category.
Reduced rates have been agreed upon with Hotel Rubino as follows (including breakfast):
- double room for 1 person: 115 € per night per person
- double room for 2 persons: 78 € per night per person
- quadruple room for 4 persons: 69 € per night per person
In order to take advantage of these rates, you need to select your preferences while registering via the Google Form, by May 31st at 12 am. Payment will be done at the hotel.
There are a minimum of 12 grants and a few more if the budget allows, with priority given to Ph.D. students, to attend the School & Workshop. Rules and general information are available here.
The daily allowance per grant is €165.
Applicants should send their application (the form is available here) to Krzysztof Cichon (krzysztof.cichon@put.poznan.pl) and the School & Workshop organisers (dolcom@wilab.org) by 29th May 2023, 12 pm (noon time), with an email with the subject “CA20120 – 3rd Training School Application”, attaching one full document in PDF format, with the name 3rdTS_Surname_Name.
To register for the event, please fill in this Google Form by 31st May at 12 am.
Social Events
A social dinner will be offered to attendees and lecturers.
If you need any information or help, please contact:
Organisation and Scientific Programme Committee
The School & Workshop is organised jointly by:
Luis M. Correia (IST/U. Lisbon, PT)
Roberto Verdone (WiLab/U. Bologna, IT)
The School & Workshop is jointly organised by COST Action CA20120 INTERACT and EURACON.