Hamed Ahmadi is a Reader (Associate Professor II) in Digital Engineering, at the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York, UK. He is also an adjunct academic at the school of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, Ireland. He received his Ph.D. from National University of Singapore in 2012 where he was a SINGA PhD scholar at Institute for Infocomm Research, A-STAR. Since then he worked at different academic and industrial positions in the Republic of Ireland and UK. Dr.Ahmadi has published more than 90 peer reviewed book chapters, journal and conference papers. He is a member of editorial board of IEEE Communication Standards magazine, IEEE Systems and Springer Wireless Networks. He is a senior member of IEEE, and Fellow of UK Higher Education Academy. He has been the Networks working group chair of COST Actions CA15104 (IRACON) and CA20120 (INTERACT). His current research interests include design, analysis, and optimization of wireless communications networks, the application of machine learning in wireless networks, Open Radio Access and Networking, green networks, airborne networks, Digital twins of networks, and Internet-of-Things.

Marion Berbineau

Marion Berbineau received the Engineer degree from Polytech’Lille (1986) and the Ph.D. degree from the Univ. of Lille (1989), both in electrical engineering. She is a full time Research Director at Université Gustave Eiffel (France) in the Component and SYStem department. She was director of Léost Lab (2001-2013) and deputy director of COSYS (2013–2018). Technical skills: wireless communications for safe applications for rail, radio wave propagation, signal processing, radio channel characterization and modeling, MIMO, cognitive radio. She has supervised 25 PhD students, 5 are still on going.

Tim Brown has nearly 25 years experience of academic research in RF, Antennas and Propagation. He has experience both in academia and industry where he currently works as an Academic at the University of Surrey, UK and has experience of working abroad in Europe at Aalborg University, Denmark His research interests include antenna design, propagation modelling with a particular interest in intelligent multi antenna solutions for communication. He is also editor in chief of the IET Journal of Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation with skills including journal paper writing and reviewing

Dr. Lamia Chaari Fourati is a distinguished Professor of Telecommunication at the Computer Science and Multimedia Higher Institute (ISIMS), SFAX University, Tunisia. With a career spanning over two decades, she has made significant contributions to the fields of wireless networks, healthcare systems, and machine learning for 5G technologies. Her research interests include wireless network protocol design, secure communication systems for the Internet of Medical Things, and vehicular communication systems.

Laurent Clavier is Professor in Mines-Telecom institute (IMT Nord Europe). He is a member of IEMN, UMR8520 (Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology), Lille, France. His research activities concern digital communications and the physical layer of wireless networks for IoT, more specifically energy autonomous sensor networks. He is particularly interested in interference models and impact in ultra-dense wireless networks. He is chair of CA20120 INTERACT “Intelligence-Enabling Radio Communications for Seamless Inclusive Interactions”.

Vittorio Degli-Esposti is Full Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Bologna. He has been Visiting Professor at Aalto University, Finland, and Tongji University, China, in 2006 and 2013, and Director of Research at Polaris Wireless Inc., USA, in 2015-2016. He is Associate Editor of the Journals IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology and AGU Radio Science. He is co-Chair of the Working Group “Radio Channels” of COST 20120 “Interact”. He is author or co-author of over 160 scientific papers and of 7 international patents in the fields of applied electromagnetics, radio propagation and wireless systems. He is recipient of the “2023 EurAAP Propagation Award

Margot Deruyck received the M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science Engineering in 2009 and the Ph.D. degree in 2015 from Ghent University (Belgium). She is a member of WAVES group at Ghent University and became assistant professor in advanced network planning for (beyond) 5G and IoT applications in 2021. In this role, she attracted funding in various domains and leading many multidisciplinary projects with consortia both from industry and academia. She is the Science Communication Coordinator of the INTERACT action. She has been invited as speaker for both national and international conferences.

Ana Garcia Armada is a Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. She has published more than 250 papers and she holds five patents. She has been a visiting scholar at Stanford University, Bell Labs, and University of Southampton. She coordinates several European projectsShe has received the third place Bell Labs Prize, the outstanding service award from IEEE ComSoc Signal Processing and Communications Electronics TC, the outstanding service award from the IEEE ComSoc Women in Communications Engineering Standing Committee, and the IEEE ComSoc/KICS Exemplary Global Service Award. 

Dr. Dush Nalin Jayakody,  received the  MSc degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the  Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey (under the University Graduate Scholarship) and ranked as the first merit position holder of the department. He received the Ph. D. degree in  Electronics and Communications Engineering, from the University College Dublin, Ireland under the supervision of Prof.  Mark Flanagan (under the Science Foundation Ireland Grant).  From 2021, he is a Professor at Autonoma TechLab, Department of Engineering & Computer Science, Autonomous University of Lisbon, Portugal. Since 2019, he is also with the Centre for Telecommunication Research as founding head, Sri Lanka Technological Campus, Sri Lanka.

Olga Korostynska received BEng and MSc in biomedical engineering from National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI) and PhD (2003) in Electronics and Computer Engineering from the University of Limerick, Ireland. She is currently a Professor in BioMedical Engineering at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Oslo, Norway. Her research interests include electromagnetic wave sensors and their applications, including for real-time water quality monitoring, smart tools and biomedical applications. Prof. Korostynska has co-authored over 200 scientific publications, h-index 33

Pawel Kulakowski, Associate Professor in AGH University of Krakow. Previously (2008-2011) working as a post-doc at universities in Cartagena, Girona, Albacete and Seville. Involved in European research projects, among others COST Actions: IC1004, IRACON, INTERACT, and AI4NICU. In 2019-2021, he was an R&D manager for a project on 5G network planning. His current interests include AI applications both in 5/6G mobile systems and in medicine, and nano-networks. As a university teacher, he also gives lectures on soft skills, in particular on how to prepare technical presentations.


Eirini Liotou ( is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens (pending official appointment). She holds a PhD degree from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2017). She obtained the MSc in Informatics and Telecommunications from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2011) and the MSc in Communications and Signal Processing from the Imperial College of London (2012). She received the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 2006. She has worked as a Software Engineer at Siemens AG and as a Senior Software Engineer at Siemens Enterprise Communications in the R&D department (2007-2011). Between 2017 and 2021, she worked as a Post-Doc researcher in the Communication Networks Laboratory of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Between 2021 and 2023, she has been working as a Project Manager / Senior Researcher for EU Research Projects at the Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS), serving as Deputy Project Coordinator of EU projects.

Ali Mohsin is a passionate educator with significant experience in the field of Computer & Communications Engineering. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, where he has the privilege of sharing his expertise with students and teaching a variety of courses.  From 2007 to 2014, he immersed himself in the telecommunications industry in Islamabad, Pakistan. Starting as a BSS Engineer at KCN Telecommunications, he progressed to roles at HUAWEI Technologies.

Dr Avishek Nag is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science at University College Dublin in Ireland. Dr Nag received his PhD from the University of California, Davis, in 2012. Dr Nag has published over 100 publications, including journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. His research interests include but are not limited to, Cross-layer optimisation in Wired and Wireless Networks, Network Reliability, Mathematics of Networks (Optimisation, Graph Theory), Network Virtualisation, Software-Defined Networks, Machine Learning, Quantum Communication, and the Internet of Things.

Mehmet Ozdemir has more than 15 years of industry experience and an additional 15 years of experience in academia. He has completed many successful projects both in industry and academia. He completed his BSc and MSc in electrical engineering at METU, Ankara Turkey in ’96 and ’98 in, respectively. He received his PhD from Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA in ’05 from electrical engineering. He obtained his two-year Business Management from University of Toronto in ’10. Between ’99 and ’13 he has worked in industry in the area of broadband communication with the focus on CATV systems, 4G wireless systems, and cloud solutions. In 2008, he joined CSI, a broadband telecom service provider, as a VP of Engineer and lead the team of engineers in providing contemporary testing solutions for the broadband equipment. In parallel to this full-time work, Dr. Ozdemir also taught undergraduate and graduate courses at University of Ontario, Oshawa, Canada, where he was also an adjunct professor. Between ’13-17, he worked as an assistant professor at Istanbul Sehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. Later, he was appointed as the chair of the EE department. Currently, Dr. Ozdemir works at Istanbul Medipol University as a full professor. He is the chair for the computer engineering department and also holds the position of associate dean. Dr. Ozdemir’s research interests are secure wireless link designs, mutual coupling effect in multi-antenna systems, massive MIMO systems and beamforming, receiver algorithm designs for 5G systems, AI applications for communication systems and most recently Odor Sensing for the electronic transmission of odor. Dr. Ozdemir is the representative from Turkey for Cost Action INTERACT focusing on 5G and beyond systems. 

Moray Rumney’s career since 1984 has been in RF Test & Measurement for HP and its spin off companies Agilent and Keysight. Since 1991 he has developed telecom standards (RTSI & 3GPP), and designed base station emulators used in the design, conformance test and manufacture of mobile phones. He was editor and primary author of one of the first textbooks on 4G “LTE and the evolution to 4G Wireless” Wiley 2009 & 2012. He has extensive experience in conference speaking and presentation. Moray is a visiting industrial fellow at the University of Bristol where he has mentored PhD students. Since 2018 he is providing consulting services to the telecom industry

Mehmet Tahir Sandıkkaya received his PhD in 2015 from Istanbul Technical University. He contributed research efforts at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) Technologiecampus Gent in Belgium from 2008 to 2010. He visited Drakkar Research group during 2018 till 2019 at LIG of Grenoble INP. Currently being an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Engineering, he served in Istanbul Technical University starting from 2002. His research focuses on cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, IoT and computer networks within the common context of computer security

Fernando José Velez concluded the licenciatura, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, in 1993, 1996 and 2001, respectively. He is an associate professor at the Electromechanical Engineering Department of the University of Beira Interior (since october 2024) and was a assistant professor (since 2001) and a lecturer from 1995 until 2001. He is also a senior researcher at the lnstituto de Telecomunicações (IT). Fernando was an IEF Marie Curie Research Fellow in King’s College London (KCL), during a sabbatical leave, in 2008/09 (OPTIMOBILE IEF) and a Marie Curie ERG fellow at Universidade da Beira Interior from 2010 until March 2013 (PLANOPTI ERG). He made or makes part of the teams of more than 45 European and Portuguese research projects on mobile and wireless communications, and he was the coordinator of six Portuguese projects.Fernando was coordinator of WG2 (in Cognitive Radios/ Studies of Techno­ economic and Regulatory Aspects involved in the Coexistence of Software Defined Radios) of COST IC0905 TERRA, and was, until Spring of 2024, the co-Chair of VT4 (Smart Cities and Buildings) in COST CA20120 INTERACT. Fernando was also the coordinator of the Instituto de Telecomunicações team in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Action (TeamUp5G), a doctoral network that involved 15 Ph.D. students that started in 2019 and was concluded in 2023. From 2014 until 2020, Fernando Velez was proud of coordinating the Covilhã branch of the Instituto de Telecomunicações, a site of his research unit with around 25 Ph.D. researchers, more than 20 Ph.D. students and tens of M.Sc. students. From 2019 until now he has been one of the scientific coordinators of the prestigious Carnegie Melon University – Portugal research program. His main research areas are cellular planning tools, traffic from mobility, wireless body sensor networks and wearable technologies, ML applied to radio resource management, spectrum management, and cost/revenue performance of advanced mobile communication systems.

Guillaume Villemaud received his PhD degree in electronics from the Univ of Limoges, France (2002). He obtained his HDR (Qualification to supervise research) from INSA Lyon and Univ Lyon 1 (2013). He worked for CREAPE (2002-03) and joined the CITI Lab, Lyon, in 2003. His research interests are RF architectures and system level simulation, Energy harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer, RFID, Backscatter radio, Full-duplex and Spatial Modulation systems, coverage prediction, radio propagation and measurements, antenna design, antenna diversity and multiple antenna processing (SIMO, MIMO).He was the site leader for the European projects: iPlan (Femtocells) and IMMUNet (IIoT), and multiple national projects, also took part of the development of CorteXlab, French equipment of excellence. He has published more than 120 international technical papers, is a Senior Member of IEEE and an Ass Editor of Annals of Telecoms. He was vice-head of the CITI Lab and is now the team leader of RHODES

Blerina Zanaj graduated as a Telecommunication engineer from the Faculty of Information Technology at Polytechnic University of Tirana in 2008. Following her graduation, she gained two years of experience as a system administrator at Vodafone Albania from 2008 to 2010. She pursued her PhD studies at Universita Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, Italy, from 2010 to 2013, focusing her research on Ultra Wide Band radar signal processing for vital sign detection such as breath monitoring. In September 2015, Blerina joined La Sapienza University of Rome as a researcher at the Faculty of Information Engineering in Italy, where she collaborated with professors Marta Cavagnaro and Stefano Pisa. During her tenure, she implemented algorithms for UWB antennas signal processing using Matlab. These algorithms enabled the extraction of vital signs, including breath and heart frequency, from real measurements conducted with antennas modeled by the professors at La Sapienza. Subsequently, Blerina co-authored a paper for the Sensors journal, presenting the findings derived from her Matlab programs and signal processing expertise. She is an Associated Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness at the Agriculture University of Tirana