The course on Mobile Radio Propagation for 5G and Beyond will be held at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM), Université catholique de Louvain in the framework of the European School of Antennas 2022 and COST Action INTERACT. The course will cover propagation aspects for cellular and vehicular communication. Starting with the basics of propagation, modern methods used in cellular network planning as well as aspects relevant for future 5G networks, e. g. MIMO, multi-link aspects, localisation, car2X and railway communication, are taught. The course includes also computer-based exercises. The teachers are from University of Bologna, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Karlsruher Institute of Technology, Dublin City University, VTT-Finland and Université catholique de Louvain.
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
ICTEAM UCLouvain, Electrical Engineering (ELEN), Room Shannon, Maxwell building 1st floor, 3 place du Levant, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, (go to “How to reach our offices” by train: you will find a walking map, Maxwell Building is building #3)
Grants, in the form of a Daily Allowance (110 € per day), are available. Applicants should send their application (see the form in this page) to and until 20th May 2022.
To submit your application, please send an email with the subject “CA20120 – 1st Training School Application” attaching one full document in PDF format. Please rename the file with this criteria:
– Ordinary number of the Training School
– TS
– Surname
– Name
Please find here an example: 1stTS_Surname_Name
The total number of
applications was 11 and 5 grants were awarded to Ph.D. students from Finland,
Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
Prof. Claude Oestges,
For more information, visit this website.
Prof. Laurent Clavier
Prof. Chiara Buratti
Dr. Natascia De Fenzo