HA1 Datasets
HA1 Datasets
HA1 addresses INTERACT dataset(s) setup and maintenance. The expected large number of participants and the open collaborative environment provides INTERACT with a unique opportunity to feed these datasets. HA1 will be responsible for creating a favourable environment to share measurements, simulation scenarios and models inside and outside the Action.
Datasets list
Please note that the use of the open-access datasets listed below is regulated by their individual licenses. Carefully consult README files and other information on datasets’ individual URLs, e.g., bibliographic reference for citation.
- Measured dataset for performance analysis of wireless systems (e.g., IEEE 802.11ad) in real-world 60 GHz indoor channels
- Indoor high-speed channel sounding measurements at 2.55GHz, 5.9GHz and 25.5GHz
- Huawei MRC V2I measurement data
- Analysis of 5G measurements – 1-40 GHz indoor UPCT measurements
- 5G New Radio propagation measurements in outdoor small cells operating at the 3.5 GHz frequency band, this dataset is available to COST-only members.
- Transmitter Identification and Fingerprinting based on RF Imperfections
- NIST Context-Aware 60 GHZ mm-Wave RF Dataset
- Field level measurements in a railway station environment, this dataset is available to COST-only members.
- Ultra-dense indoor Massive MIMO CSI dataset
- Dataset for analysis of RSSI-based Indoor Localization employing LoRa in the 2.4GHz ISM Band
- Dataset for analysis of Bluetooth Received Signal Strength (RSS) at the inputs of four anchors placed along a single dimension to obtain device location
- Performance and complexity of non-coherent cell-free massive MIMO
- Datasets of Indoor Wireless Channel Measurements
- Datasets of Indoor UWB Measurements for Ranging and Positioning in Good and Challenging Scenarios
- UWB Indoor Channel Measurements
- Measured dataset for activity recognition and performance analysis (e.g. BER, ARQ) in VLC indoor channels
- System Loss in Body-to-Body BAN in Indoor and Outdoor at 2.45 GHz, this dataset is available to COST-only members.
- System Loss in Off-Body BAN in Indoor at 2.45 GHz, this dataset is available to COST-only members.
- Two-layer Phantom-Based UWB Channel Measurements for IB2OB Scenarios, this dataset is available to COST-only members.
Marco Skocaj
UNIBO, Italy
Email: marco.skocaj@unibo.it