Field level measurements in a railway station environment

Authors & Affiliations:

· Paolo Grazioso, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (

· Simona Valbonesi , Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (

· Andrea Garzia, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (

Brief description:

Measurements taken in a medium-sized Italian railway station. Narrowband measurements were carried out in several locations inside and outside the considered station, to evaluate the received E-field level and the Building Entry Loss (BEL), i.e. the radio signal attenuation caused by brick wall of various type, glass wall, metal cages (lifts), deep indoor conditions (subways). Also the presence or absence of trains near the measurement location was recorded. Frequency bands: 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2600 MHz and 3.7 GHz. E-Field levels were measured using a portable spectrum analyser (Narda SRM 3000 and SRM 3006) on the same points of a predefined grid.

Possible use of the dataset:

Possible uses of the dataset include:

· Study of the radio signal propagation mechanisms (at different frequencies) in complex scenarios such as railway stations and Building Entry Loss calculation;

· Characterisation of deep indoor scenarios with the aim of determining a set of BEL values to be applied for numerical simulations;

· Characterisation of the specific attenuation of the radio signal due to the presence of lifts for different real scenarios (open/closed doors, lift on outdoor track platform, lift on deep indoor platform);

· Characterisation of the railway station ecosystem from electromagnetic exposure point of view;

· Evaluation of effect of the presence of trains (seen as completely metallic masses) on the radio signal propagation.