5G New Radio propagation measurements in outdoor small cells operating at the 3.5 GHz frequency band

Authors & Affiliations:

Emanuel Teixeira, Rui R. Paulo and Fernando J. Velez (Instituto de Telecomunicações and Universidade da Beira Interior, Faculdade de Engenharia, Departamento de Engenharia Eletromecânica, Covilhã, Portugal)

Brief description:

5G New radio measurements with the Rohde & Schwarz®) FSH 8 (and HE400 R&S directional antenna). The 5G New Radio signal is produced by R&S® SMM100A Vector Signal Generator, from Field Tests at the Covilhã aerodrome to assess received power in urban microcellular (Umi) scenarios (direct ray plus a reflection on the asphalt). The height of towers of “own cell” and “interference cell” base stations (gNBs), operating at 3.59 GHz, is 12.25 m. The use of spectrum was authorized by ANACOM (the Portuguese national regulatory authority for the communications sector), with a bandwidth of 20 MHz for each duplexing link.

Possible use of the dataset:

The urban microcellular Line-of-sight ITU-R propagation model for small cells is going to be considered. A breakpoint distance, dBP, is assumed in the path loss model. Properly spaced eNBs/gNBs are considered. The objective is to tackle shared spectrum and CA in cellular systems. Whereas small cells with few tens of meters are considered, the upper layer of the heterogeneous network (HetNet) considers micro cells with cell length of few hundred meters. As cells shapes will quite adapt to the urban topology, a deployment of the heterogeneous cellular network with small cells tailored to the urban environment will be assumed. Based on the information about measurements and 5G New Radio cell towers, the Geolocation API delivers a location and accuracy radius. These services can be accessed directly using an HTTP request using the Geocoding API and Matlab. To show the fundamental capability, the following sample uses the Geocoding service via the Maps JavaScript API. To analyse the measured data, we have used the R&S® InstrumentView software. It allows for collecting data acquired by using Rohde & Schwarz FSH8 spectrum analyser. With this software, you can easily analyse measurement data on the computer. The software displays waveforms, power, etc. and lets you add individual annotations. Cursors and automatic measurements support straightforward signal analysis.