System Loss in Body-to-Body BAN in Indoor and Outdoor at 2.45 GHz
Authors & Affiliations:
Sławomir J. Ambroziak – Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland.
Luis M. Correia – Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Brief description:
Data consist narrowband measurement results of the system loss in body-to-body BAN at 2.45 GHz. Measurements were performed in indoor and outdoor environments. Six different on-body antenna placements were considered: right and left sides of the head, front side of the torso, front side of the waist and external sides of the right and left arms, at the wrist. Three walking scenarios were considered: Approach, Departure and Parallel.
Possible use of the dataset:
Data can be used for development of system loss model, calculation of slow and fast fading, etc. Data can be also used for validation of channel simulators. Data may be used only under the condition of citation of the following publication, where the measurements have been described: M.M. Ferreira, F.D. Cardoso, S.J.
Ambroziak and L.M. Correia, “Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks,” in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 37039-37049, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3163859.