Two-layer Phantom-Based UWB Channel Measurements for IB2OB Scenarios.
Authors & Affiliations:
Conchi Garcia-Pardo, Narcis Cardona, iTEAM Research Institute, Universitat Politècnica de València
Brief description:
Measurement of the S21, S11 and S22 in the 3.1-8.5 GHz band, for in-body to on-body scenarios. Measurements were performed in a 2-layer container in which fat and muscle UWB phantoms were poured. The in-body antenna was submerged inside the muscle phantom, while the on-body antenna was located over the surface of the fat layer. Phantoms used have a high precision in the entire UWB frequency band, fitting to the dielectric properties of fat and muscle in the entire UWB frequency band. The number of measured points is: 12x11x2 in-body positions (in X, Y, and Z axis) and 5 on-body positions. Distance between antennas for every tx-rx combination is also provided.
Possible use of the dataset:
Channel characterization for implant communications, and all kind of analysis in which the behaviour of the channel for IB2OB is necessary.