5th MC and 5th Technical Meeting
DATE: 22-25 May 2023
VENUE: Barcelona, Spain
Date: May 22-25, 2023
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Venue: Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7 – Building B4
Local Organiser: Prof. Carles Anton, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
INTERACT 5th MC and 5th Technical Meeting is organized by the COST Action CA20120, “Intelligence-Enabling Radio Communications for Seamless Inclusive Interactions”.
The event will be organized as follows:
- Training day (TR): May 22. Please follow this link to have more information.
- MC Meeting and Technical Meeting (ME): May 23-25.
- Social dinner (SD): May 24.
Documents & deadlines
- Opening registration and TD request: April 3, 2023
- Deadline Registration and TD request: May 5, 2023
- Deadline TD submission: May 12, 2023
- Programme
- Keynote Speakers
- Accommodation and local information
- Minutes (and attachments)
How to register to the meeting
Contribution to the Local Organizer expenses:
- In presence: 180€
- Online: 0€
- Accompanying person for the Social Dinner: 35€
Please follow the instructions:
- If you’re not already a member of the action, please first apply through this link;
- Access to the Members Area;
- On the left, click on Meetings;
- Click on 5th MC Meeting and 5th Technical Meeting;
- Click on in presence or online option to register for the meeting;
- If in presence:
- Choose the activities you would like to take part to (TR, ME, SD);
- Indicate any special dietary needs and/or accompanying person(s) in the “note” section;
- Choose your payment method (bank transfer or online payment).
Bank transfer
Account Holder: Euracon, AISBL, Avenue Georges Lemaitre 4-6, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Bank name: BNP Paribas Fortis NV (Louvain-la-Neuve)
Bank address: Place de l’Université 6, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
IBAN: BE84 0016 9348 0459
REFERENCE: [Your first name] [Your last name] – Registration INTERACT 5th MC Barcelona
After the payment, please send proof of payment via e-mail to flaminia.saratti@unibo.it.
Online payment
EURACON accepts PayPal payments by adding 4.65%+0.35 € for transaction fees.
To use the online payment, please send an email with the subject “EURACON Online Payment – INTERACT 5th MC Meeting Barcelona” to flaminia.saratti@unibo.it.
Please note: PayPal accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or PayPal account payments. A PayPal account is not required for online credit card payments.
Payment receipt
Receipts will be issued and sent via email after the conclusion of the Meeting.
If you need a pro-forma invoice, please write an email to flaminia.saratti@unibo.it.
How to submit a TD
PLEASE NOTE: the presenter MUST be on-site.
To submit a TD the Author(s) must follow the instructions:
- request a TD number within the deadline specified;
- prepare a PDF file containing the document to be presented, with a proper cover page;
- send the PDF file within the deadline specified.
Instructions on the various steps are given below.
The TD request page will close on
- Access to the Members Area;
- On the left, click on TD Submission;
- Fill in the TD request within the deadline specified;
- You will receive an automatic email with your TD number.
TD STRUCTURE (Cover page)
Every Temporary Document must be preceded by a cover page.
Those intending to use Word to edit their TD, please use the CoverPage_CA20120.doc file.
Those intending to use LaTeX to edit their TD, please use the LATEX.zip files.
Please find here the instructions on how to fill in the cover page.
The final submission of a TD must be performed via email after receiving the TD number and no later than May 12, 2023.
To submit your TD, please send an email with the subject “CA20120 – TD Submission” to flaminia.saratti@unibo.it attaching the full TD in PDF format, named as the TD number assigned to you.
Keynote speakers
- Angel Lozano, UPF Barcelona. Title “Near-Field MIMO: An Old Theory Up to New Tricks”
Prof. Carles Anton
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
e-mail: carles.anton@cttc.es
Helpdesk: helpdesk@interactca20120.org