VT1 Health and Well-Being
VT1 Health and Well-Being
VT1 covers an important societal challenge about health and well-being. It will emphasise scientific challenges dealing with communications around or inside the human body, including energy absorption by human tissues, communication reliability inside and outside the body, nano-networks, data access, privacy, and security.
Kamran Sayrafian
NIST, United States
Email: kamran.sayrafian@nist.gov
Slawomir Ambroziak
PG, Poland
Email: slawomir.ambroziak@pg.edu.pl
SWG Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
The goal of the SWG on ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMF) is to contribute to the standardisation of evaluation methodologies and of measurement analysis for the assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields. This will be undertaken for wireless communication systems in general and for novel mobile communications systems in particular, associated with both base stations/access points and mobile terminals. This SWG aims at addressing the implications of human exposure limits on the development of new systems, on the design of radio parameters for the deployment of base stations/access points and on the establishment of exclusion zones, among others. In addition, this SWG intends to contribute to proper dissemination within the society of the matters related to the exposure to EMF originated from wireless communication systems.
Joseph Wout
UGENT, Belgium
Email: wout.joseph@ugent.be
Conchi Garcia-Pardo
UPV, Spain
Email: cgpardo@iteam.upv.es